Freitag, 12. April 2013

Explaination of Structural Quantum Gravity

In General Relativity, gravity is assumed as the curvature of space and time. General Relativity assumes continuous gravity fields. However, the attempt to quantize the general-relativistic field failed because certain Feynman propagators have mathematical nonsense expressions.
To solve the problem, Structural Quantum Gravity discretizes the spacetime. There are existing many ways to discretize the spacetime and many different discretizations can exert the same quantum-mechanical gravity field as the classical gravity field. If there are vacuum fluctuations (Loop contributions in Feynman diagrams) there is another topology of the spacetime. This topological contributions called "structural curvature" affects the gravitational field.
The examination of gravitational fields induced by Feynman diagrams with loops are interesting. Since the loopcontributions in Feynman diagrams represent quantum fluctuations, quantum fluctuations induce a gravitational field that has a very low cross section. That is the reason why Dark Energy could not be detected in particle accelerator experiments.


On is my new quantum gravity theory. This theory is an alternative approach to Quantum Gravity. The theory predicts that dark energy is gravity induced by the energy of vacuum fluctuations.